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The KucoinSpotGetOrder class provides an asynchronous interface for retrieving spot trading order information from KuCoin. It leverages the coro package for non-blocking HTTP requests, returning promises that resolve to data.table objects. This class focuses on querying order details, trade history, open and closed orders, and symbols with active orders.


Not applicable (class definition; see individual methods for return values).


Purpose and Scope

This class is designed for retrieving and monitoring order-related data in the KuCoin Spot trading system, including:

  • Order Details: Fetching specific order information by orderId or clientOid.

  • Trade History: Retrieving fill details for orders or symbols.

  • Order States: Listing open and closed orders for a symbol.

  • Portfolio Overview: Identifying symbols with active orders.

Workflow Overview

Not applicable (class definition overview).

API Endpoint

Not applicable (class-level documentation; see individual methods for specific endpoints).


Utilised by traders and developers to programmatically query and monitor Spot trading orders on KuCoin. The class is initialized with API credentials, automatically loaded via get_api_keys() if not provided, and a base URL from get_base_url(). For detailed endpoint information, parameters, and response schemas, refer to the official KuCoin API Documentation.


  • initialize(keys, base_url): Initialises the object with API credentials and base URL.

  • get_order_by_order_id(orderId, symbol): Retrieves detailed order info by orderId.

  • get_order_by_client_oid(clientOid, symbol): Retrieves detailed order info by clientOid.

  • get_trade_history(symbol, orderId, side, type, lastId, limit, startAt, endAt): Fetches trade history (fills) for a symbol or order.

  • get_symbols_with_open_orders(): Lists symbols with active orders.

  • get_open_orders(symbol): Retrieves all active orders for a symbol.

  • get_closed_orders(symbol, side, type, startAt, endAt, limit, max_pages): Retrieves all closed orders for a symbol with pagination.

Public fields


List containing KuCoin API keys (api_key, api_secret, api_passphrase, key_version).


Character string representing the base URL for KuCoin API endpoints. Initialise a New KucoinSpotGetOrder Object


Initialises a KucoinSpotGetOrder object with API credentials and a base URL for retrieving Spot trading order data asynchronously. If not provided, credentials are sourced from get_api_keys() and the base URL from get_base_url().

Workflow Overview

  1. Credential Assignment: Sets self$keys to the provided or default API keys.

  2. URL Assignment: Sets self$base_url to the provided or default base URL.

API Endpoint

Not applicable (initialisation method).


Utilised to create an instance for querying Spot trading orders and related data.

Official Documentation

KuCoin API Authentication

Automated Trading Usage

  • Monitoring Hub: Use this as a dedicated instance for order querying in your trading system, integrating with real-time feeds for timely updates.

  • Secure Setup: Load credentials via get_api_keys() from a secure source (e.g., environment variables), ensuring safe deployment.

  • Scalability: Reuse this instance across your bot’s lifecycle, pairing with other classes (e.g., KucoinSpotOCO) for full order management.


Method new()


KucoinSpotGetOrder$new(keys = get_api_keys(), base_url = get_base_url())



List containing API configuration parameters from get_api_keys(), including:

  • api_key: Character string; your KuCoin API key.

  • api_secret: Character string; your KuCoin API secret.

  • api_passphrase: Character string; your KuCoin API passphrase.

  • key_version: Character string; API key version (e.g., "2"). Defaults to get_api_keys().


Character string representing the base URL for the API. Defaults to get_base_url().


A new instance of the KucoinSpotGetOrder class. Get Order By OrderId


Retrieves detailed info for a spot order by its system-generated orderId via a GET request to /api/v1/hf/orders/{orderId}. Calls get_order_by_order_id_impl.

Workflow Overview
  1. Validation: Ensures orderId and symbol are valid.

  2. URL: Constructs endpoint with orderId and symbol.

  3. Authentication: Generates headers.

  4. API Call: Sends GET request.

  5. Response: Returns detailed order info with datetime columns.

API Endpoint



Utilised to fetch comprehensive details of a specific order by its system ID.

Official Documentation

KuCoin Get Order By OrderId

Automated Trading Usage
  • Order Tracking: Monitor active and inOrderBook to confirm order status post-placement (e.g., still open or recently filled).

  • Execution Verification: Check dealSize and dealFunds against expected fills, triggering alerts if discrepancies arise.

  • Time Analysis: Use createdAtDatetime and lastUpdatedAtDatetime to assess order lifecycle, adjusting strategies if delays occur.

Method get_order_by_order_id()


KucoinSpotGetOrder$get_order_by_order_id(orderId, symbol)



Character string; system-generated order ID (e.g., "6717422bd51c29000775ea03"). Required.


Character string; trading pair (e.g., "BTC-USDT"). Required.


Promise resolving to a data.table with columns including:

  • id (character), clientOid (character), symbol (character), type (character), side (character),

  • price (character), size (character), dealSize (character), active (logical), createdAtDatetime (POSIXct)

  • Full schema in implementation docs.

JSON Response Example

{"code": "200000", "data": {"id": "6717422bd51c29000775ea03", "symbol": "BTC-USDT", "type": "limit", "side": "buy", "price": "70000", "size": "0.00001", "dealSize": "0.00001", "active": false, "createdAt": 1729577515444}}

Get Order By ClientOid


Retrieves detailed info for a spot order by its client-assigned clientOid via a GET request to /api/v1/hf/orders/client-order/{clientOid}. Calls get_order_by_client_oid_impl.

Workflow Overview
  1. Validation: Ensures clientOid and symbol are valid.

  2. URL: Constructs endpoint with clientOid and symbol.

  3. Authentication: Generates headers.

  4. API Call: Sends GET request.

  5. Response: Returns detailed order info with datetime columns.

API Endpoint



Utilised to fetch comprehensive order details using a custom client ID.

Official Documentation

KuCoin Get Order By ClientOid

Automated Trading Usage
  • Custom Sync: Use clientOid to align KuCoin data with your system’s order records, especially after network issues.

  • Status Checks: Monitor active to react to order completion, updating position trackers accordingly.

  • Audit Trail: Log dealFunds and fee for cost analysis, ensuring profitability calculations are accurate.

Method get_order_by_client_oid()


KucoinSpotGetOrder$get_order_by_client_oid(clientOid, symbol)



Character string; client-assigned order ID (e.g., "5c52e11203aa677f33e493fb"). Required.


Character string; trading pair (e.g., "BTC-USDT"). Required.


Promise resolving to a data.table with columns including:

  • id (character), clientOid (character), symbol (character), type (character), side (character),

  • price (character), size (character), dealSize (character), active (logical), createdAtDatetime (POSIXct)

  • Full schema in implementation docs.

JSON Response Example

{"code": "200000", "data": {"id": "6717422bd51c29000775ea03", "clientOid": "5c52e11203aa677f33e493fb", "symbol": "BTC-USDT", "type": "limit", "side": "buy", "price": "70000", "size": "0.00001", "dealSize": "0.00001", "active": false, "createdAt": 1729577515444}}

Get Trade History


Retrieves latest spot transaction details (fills) for a symbol or order via a GET request to /api/v1/hf/fills. Calls get_trade_history_impl.

Workflow Overview
  1. Validation: Ensures symbol or orderId is valid.

  2. URL: Builds endpoint with query parameters.

  3. Authentication: Generates headers.

  4. API Call: Sends GET request.

  5. Response: Returns fill details with datetime column.

API Endpoint



Utilised to fetch fill history for analysis or verification.

Official Documentation

KuCoin Get Trade History

Automated Trading Usage
  • Performance Tracking: Analyze price, size, and fee to assess trade execution quality, adjusting strategies if costs are high.

  • Fill Confirmation: Use orderId to verify fills post-order placement, ensuring expected trades occurred.

  • Pagination: Leverage lastId and limit for incremental updates, syncing with a trade log database efficiently.

Method get_trade_history()


  symbol = NULL,
  orderId = NULL,
  side = NULL,
  type = NULL,
  lastId = NULL,
  limit = 20,
  startAt = NULL,
  endAt = NULL



Character string; trading pair (e.g., "BTC-USDT"). Required if orderId not provided.


Character string; order ID. Optional, overrides other filters if provided.


Character string; "buy" or "sell". Optional.


Character string; "limit" or "market". Optional.


Integer; last fill ID for pagination. Optional.


Integer; fills per request (1-100, default 20). Optional.


Integer; start time (ms). Optional.


Integer; end time (ms). Optional.


Promise resolving to a data.table with columns including:

  • id (integer), orderId (character), symbol (character), price (character), size (character),

  • funds (character), fee (character), createdAtDatetime (POSIXct)

  • Full schema in implementation docs.

JSON Response Example

{"code": "200000", "data": {"items": [{"id": 19814995255305, "orderId": "6717422bd51c29000775ea03", "symbol": "BTC-USDT", "price": "67717.6", "size": "0.00001", "funds": "0.677176", "fee": "0.000677176", "createdAt": 1729577515473}], "lastId": 19814995255305}}

Get Symbols With Open Orders


Retrieves a list of symbols with active orders via a GET request to /api/v1/hf/orders/active/symbols. Calls get_symbols_with_open_order_impl.

Workflow Overview
  1. URL: Constructs endpoint with no parameters.

  2. Authentication: Generates headers.

  3. API Call: Sends GET request.

  4. Response: Returns a data.table of symbols.

API Endpoint



Utilised to identify markets with ongoing order activity.

Official Documentation

KuCoin Get Symbols With Open Order

Automated Trading Usage
  • Portfolio Snapshot: Poll periodically to detect active markets, triggering detailed queries (e.g., get_open_orders) for each symbol.

  • Resource Allocation: Prioritize trading logic or risk checks on returned symbols, optimizing bot performance.

  • Idle Detection: If empty, signal your system to place new orders or adjust strategies for inactive markets.

Method get_symbols_with_open_orders()




Promise resolving to a data.table with:

  • symbols (character): Vector of trading pair symbols with active orders.

JSON Response Example

{"code": "200000", "data": {"symbols": ["ETH-USDT", "BTC-USDT"]}}

Get Open Orders


Retrieves all active spot orders for a symbol via a GET request to /api/v1/hf/orders/active. Calls get_open_orders_impl.

Workflow Overview
  1. Validation: Ensures symbol is valid.

  2. URL: Constructs endpoint with symbol.

  3. Authentication: Generates headers.

  4. API Call: Sends GET request.

  5. Response: Returns active orders with datetime columns.

API Endpoint



Utilised to list all active orders for a specific trading pair.

Official Documentation

KuCoin Get Open Orders

Automated Trading Usage
  • Order Management: Monitor remainSize to adjust or cancel orders nearing fill limits, maintaining strategy alignment.

  • Risk Exposure: Aggregate funds across orders to assess total exposure per symbol, triggering risk mitigations if over thresholds.

  • Stale Orders: Cancel orders with old createdAtDatetime (e.g., >24 hours) using a paired cancel class method.

Method get_open_orders()





Character string; trading pair (e.g., "BTC-USDT"). Required.


Promise resolving to a data.table with columns including:

  • id (character), clientOid (character), symbol (character), type (character), side (character),

  • price (character), size (character), remainSize (character), active (logical), createdAtDatetime (POSIXct)

  • Full schema in implementation docs.

JSON Response Example

{"code": "200000", "data": [{"id": "67120bbef094e200070976f6", "symbol": "BTC-USDT", "type": "limit", "side": "buy", "price": "50000", "size": "0.00001", "remainSize": "0.00001", "active": true, "createdAt": 1729235902748}]}

Get Closed Orders


Retrieves all closed spot orders for a symbol via a GET request to /api/v1/hf/orders/done, with pagination. Calls get_closed_orders_impl.

Workflow Overview
  1. Validation: Ensures symbol and limit are valid.

  2. URL: Builds endpoint with query parameters.

  3. Authentication: Generates headers.

  4. API Call: Fetches pages until complete or max_pages reached.

  5. Response: Returns closed orders with datetime columns.

API Endpoint



Utilised to fetch historical closed orders for analysis.

Official Documentation

KuCoin Get Closed Orders

Automated Trading Usage
  • Performance Review: Analyze dealFunds and fee to evaluate past trades, refining entry/exit points.

  • Time Filters: Use startAt and endAt to fetch specific periods (e.g., last 24 hours) for daily reconciliations.

  • Pagination Control: Set max_pages to limit data volume in high-frequency systems, balancing detail with performance.

Method get_closed_orders()


  side = NULL,
  type = NULL,
  startAt = NULL,
  endAt = NULL,
  limit = 20,
  max_pages = Inf



Character string; trading pair (e.g., "BTC-USDT"). Required.


Character string; "buy" or "sell". Optional.


Character string; "limit" or "market". Optional.


Numeric; start time (ms). Optional.


Numeric; end time (ms). Optional.


Integer; orders per page (1-100, default 20). Optional.


Numeric; max pages to fetch (default Inf). Optional.


Promise resolving to a data.table with columns including:

  • id (character), clientOid (character), symbol (character), type (character), side (character),

  • price (character), size (character), dealSize (character), active (logical), createdAtDatetime (POSIXct)

  • Full schema in implementation docs.

JSON Response Example

{"code": "200000", "data": {"lastId": 19814995255305, "items": [{"id": "6717422bd51c29000775ea03", "symbol": "BTC-USDT", "type": "limit", "side": "buy", "price": "70000", "size": "0.00001", "dealSize": "0.00001", "active": false, "createdAt": 1729577515444}]}}

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.


KucoinSpotGetOrder$clone(deep = FALSE)



Whether to make a deep clone.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Comprehensive example demonstrating key methods
main_async <- coro::async(function() {
  # Initialise the class
  queries <- KucoinSpotGetOrder$new()

  # Retrieve order details by orderId
  order <- await(queries$get_order_by_order_id("6717422bd51c29000775ea03", "BTC-USDT"))
  print("Order Details by OrderId:"); print(order)

  # Retrieve order details by clientOid
  order_by_client <- await(queries$get_order_by_client_oid("5c52e11203aa677f33e493fb", "BTC-USDT"))
  print("Order Details by ClientOid:"); print(order_by_client)

  # Get trade history
  trades <- await(queries$get_trade_history(symbol = "BTC-USDT", limit = 50))
  print("Trade History:"); print(trades)

  # Get symbols with open orders
  active_symbols <- await(queries$get_symbols_with_open_orders())
  print("Symbols with Open Orders:"); print(active_symbols)

  # Get open orders
  open_orders <- await(queries$get_open_orders("BTC-USDT"))
  print("Open Orders:"); print(open_orders)

  # Get closed orders
  closed_orders <- await(queries$get_closed_orders(
    symbol = "BTC-USDT", limit = 50, max_pages = 2
  print("Closed Orders:"); print(closed_orders)
while (!later::loop_empty()) later::run_now()
} # }