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The KucoinSpotCancelOrder class provides an asynchronous interface for canceling spot trading orders on KuCoin. It leverages the coro package for non-blocking HTTP requests, returning promises that resolve to data.table objects. This class supports canceling individual orders by orderId or clientOid, partially canceling an order, canceling all orders for a specific symbol, and canceling all orders across all symbols.


Not applicable (class definition; see individual methods for return values).


Purpose and Scope

This class focuses exclusively on order cancellation operations in the KuCoin Spot trading system, including:

  • Individual Cancellation: Cancel a single order by orderId or clientOid.

  • Partial Cancellation: Reduce the quantity of a specific order.

  • Bulk Cancellation: Cancel all orders for a symbol or across all symbols.

Workflow Overview

Not applicable (class definition overview).

API Endpoint

Not applicable (class-level documentation; see individual methods for specific endpoints).


Utilised by traders and developers to programmatically cancel Spot trading orders on KuCoin. The class is initialized with API credentials, automatically loaded via get_api_keys() if not provided, and a base URL from get_base_url(). For detailed endpoint information, parameters, and response schemas, refer to the official KuCoin API Documentation.


  • initialize(keys, base_url): Initialises the object with API credentials and base URL.

  • cancel_order_by_order_id(orderId, symbol): Cancels an order by its system-generated orderId.

  • cancel_order_by_client_oid(clientOid, symbol): Cancels an order by its client-assigned clientOid.

  • cancel_partial_order(orderId, symbol, cancelSize): Partially cancels an order by orderId with a specified quantity.

  • cancel_all_orders_by_symbol(symbol): Cancels all orders for a specific symbol.

  • cancel_all_orders(): Cancels all spot orders across all symbols.

Public fields


List containing KuCoin API keys (api_key, api_secret, api_passphrase, key_version).


Character string representing the base URL for KuCoin API endpoints. Initialise a New KucoinSpotCancelOrder Object


Initialises a KucoinSpotCancelOrder object with API credentials and a base URL for canceling Spot trading orders asynchronously. If not provided, credentials are sourced from get_api_keys() and the base URL from get_base_url().

Workflow Overview

  1. Credential Assignment: Sets self$keys to the provided or default API keys.

  2. URL Assignment: Sets self$base_url to the provided or default base URL.

API Endpoint

Not applicable (initialisation method).


Utilised to create an instance for managing order cancellations in Spot trading.

Official Documentation

KuCoin API Authentication

Automated Trading Usage

  • Cancellation Hub: Use this as the central object for all cancellation operations in your trading bot, streamlining order termination logic.

  • Secure Setup: Load credentials via get_api_keys() from a secure source (e.g., environment variables or a vault), ensuring safe deployment.

  • Integration: Pair with querying classes (e.g., KucoinSpotOrderQueries) to verify cancellations and maintain order state consistency.


Method new()


KucoinSpotCancelOrder$new(keys = get_api_keys(), base_url = get_base_url())



List containing API configuration parameters from get_api_keys(), including:

  • api_key: Character string; your KuCoin API key.

  • api_secret: Character string; your KuCoin API secret.

  • api_passphrase: Character string; your KuCoin API passphrase.

  • key_version: Character string; API key version (e.g., "2"). Defaults to get_api_keys().


Character string representing the base URL for the API. Defaults to get_base_url().


A new instance of the KucoinSpotCancelOrder class. Cancel Order By OrderId


Cancels a spot order by its system-generated orderId via a DELETE request to /api/v1/hf/orders/{orderId}. Calls cancel_order_by_order_id_impl.

Workflow Overview
  1. Validation: Ensures orderId and symbol are valid.

  2. URL: Constructs endpoint with orderId and symbol.

  3. Authentication: Generates headers.

  4. API Call: Sends DELETE request.

  5. Response: Returns the canceled orderId.

API Endpoint



Utilised to cancel a specific order using its KuCoin-assigned ID.

Official Documentation

KuCoin Cancel Order By OrderId

Automated Trading Usage
  • Targeted Cancellation: Cancel specific orders when market conditions shift (e.g., cancel a buy order if price spikes), using orderId from placement logs.

  • Status Verification: Post-cancellation, confirm with a query class (e.g., get_order_by_order_id) to ensure completion before re-ordering.

  • Error Handling: If cancellation fails (e.g., already filled), log the orderId and retry or adjust strategy based on status.

Method cancel_order_by_order_id()


KucoinSpotCancelOrder$cancel_order_by_order_id(orderId, symbol)



Character string; system-generated order ID (e.g., "671124f9365ccb00073debd4"). Required.


Character string; trading pair (e.g., "BTC-USDT"). Required.


Promise resolving to a data.table with:

  • orderId (character): The canceled order ID.

JSON Response Example

{"code": "200000", "data": {"orderId": "671124f9365ccb00073debd4"}}

Cancel Order By ClientOid


Cancels a spot order by its client-assigned clientOid via a DELETE request to /api/v1/hf/orders/client-order/{clientOid}. Calls cancel_order_by_client_oid_impl.

Workflow Overview
  1. Validation: Ensures clientOid and symbol are valid.

  2. URL: Constructs endpoint with clientOid and symbol.

  3. Authentication: Generates headers.

  4. API Call: Sends DELETE request.

  5. Response: Returns the canceled clientOid.

API Endpoint



Utilised to cancel a specific order using a custom client ID.

Official Documentation

KuCoin Cancel Order By ClientOid

Automated Trading Usage
  • Custom Tracking: Cancel orders by clientOid tied to your system’s identifiers (e.g., "STRAT1_001"), avoiding orderId mapping.

  • Event-Driven: Trigger cancellation based on signals (e.g., volatility spike), using stored clientOid values from your database.

  • Confirmation: Verify with a query class (e.g., get_order_by_client_oid) to update order status in real-time.

Method cancel_order_by_client_oid()


KucoinSpotCancelOrder$cancel_order_by_client_oid(clientOid, symbol)



Character string; client-assigned order ID (e.g., "5c52e11203aa677f33e493fb"). Required.


Character string; trading pair (e.g., "BTC-USDT"). Required.


Promise resolving to a data.table with:

  • clientOid (character): The canceled client order ID.

JSON Response Example

{"code": "200000", "data": {"clientOid": "5c52e11203aa677f33e493fb"}}

Cancel Partial Order


Partially cancels a spot order by its orderId with a specified quantity via a DELETE request to /api/v1/hf/orders/cancel/{orderId}. Calls cancel_partial_order_impl.

Workflow Overview
  1. Validation: Ensures orderId, symbol, and cancelSize are valid.

  2. URL: Constructs endpoint with orderId, symbol, and cancelSize.

  3. Authentication: Generates headers.

  4. API Call: Sends DELETE request.

  5. Response: Returns the orderId and cancelSize.

API Endpoint



Utilised to reduce the quantity of an existing order without fully canceling it.

Official Documentation

KuCoin Cancel Partial Order

Automated Trading Usage
  • Position Adjustment: Reduce exposure (e.g., cancel 0.01 BTC of a 0.05 BTC order) when risk thresholds are approached, using dynamic cancelSize calculations.

  • Liquidity Management: Partially cancel large orders to free capital based on market depth updates, maintaining some market presence.

  • Post-Cancel Check: Use a query class to confirm remaining size via get_order_by_order_id, ensuring the adjustment took effect.

Method cancel_partial_order()


KucoinSpotCancelOrder$cancel_partial_order(orderId, symbol, cancelSize)



Character string; system-generated order ID (e.g., "6711f73c1ef16c000717bb31"). Required.


Character string; trading pair (e.g., "BTC-USDT"). Required.


Character string; quantity to cancel (e.g., "0.00001"). Required.


Promise resolving to a data.table with:

  • orderId (character): The partially canceled order ID.

  • cancelSize (character): The canceled quantity.

JSON Response Example

{"code": "200000", "data": {"orderId": "6711f73c1ef16c000717bb31", "cancelSize": "0.00001"}}

Cancel All Orders By Symbol


Cancels all spot orders for a specified symbol via a DELETE request to /api/v1/hf/orders. Calls cancel_all_orders_by_symbol_impl.

Workflow Overview
  1. Validation: Ensures symbol is valid.

  2. URL: Constructs endpoint with symbol.

  3. Authentication: Generates headers.

  4. API Call: Sends DELETE request.

  5. Response: Returns a success indicator.

API Endpoint



Utilised to cancel all orders associated with a specific trading pair.

Official Documentation

KuCoin Cancel All Orders By Symbol

Automated Trading Usage
  • Market Exit: Clear all orders for a symbol (e.g., "BTC-USDT") during strategy shifts or market closeouts, triggered by price thresholds.

  • Risk Mitigation: Cancel all orders for a volatile symbol if risk metrics (e.g., VaR) exceed limits, using real-time data.

  • Post-Cancel Audit: Verify with get_open_orders from a query class to ensure no orders remain, logging any discrepancies.

Method cancel_all_orders_by_symbol()





Character string; trading pair (e.g., "BTC-USDT"). Required.


Promise resolving to a data.table with:

  • result (character): "success" if the request is accepted.

JSON Response Example

{"code": "200000", "data": "success"}

Cancel All Orders


Cancels all spot orders across all symbols via a DELETE request to /api/v1/hf/orders/cancelAll. Calls cancel_all_orders_impl.

Workflow Overview
  1. URL: Constructs endpoint with no parameters.

  2. Authentication: Generates headers.

  3. API Call: Sends DELETE request.

  4. Response: Returns successful and failed symbols.

API Endpoint



Utilised to terminate all spot trading activity across all markets.

Official Documentation

KuCoin Cancel All Orders

Automated Trading Usage
  • Emergency Stop: Execute during critical events (e.g., account breaches, market crashes) to halt all trading, triggered by risk alerts.

  • Portfolio Reset: Clear all orders before a major strategy overhaul, ensuring a clean slate for new setups.

  • Failure Analysis: Inspect failedSymbols to identify cancellation issues (e.g., already filled orders), logging errors for debugging.

Method cancel_all_orders()




Promise resolving to a data.table with:

  • succeedSymbols (character): Vector of symbols successfully canceled.

  • failedSymbols (list): List of objects with symbol and error for failed cancellations.

JSON Response Example

{"code": "200000", "data": {"succeedSymbols": ["ETH-USDT", "BTC-USDT"], "failedSymbols": []}}

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.


KucoinSpotCancelOrder$clone(deep = FALSE)



Whether to make a deep clone.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Comprehensive example demonstrating key methods
main_async <- coro::async(function() {
  # Initialise the class
  cancellations <- KucoinSpotCancelOrder$new()

  # Cancel an order by orderId
  canceled_order <- await(cancellations$cancel_order_by_order_id("671124f9365ccb00073debd4", "BTC-USDT"))
  print("Canceled by OrderId:"); print(canceled_order)

  # Cancel an order by clientOid
  canceled_client <- await(cancellations$cancel_order_by_client_oid("5c52e11203aa677f33e493fb", "BTC-USDT"))
  print("Canceled by ClientOid:"); print(canceled_client)

  # Partially cancel an order
  partial_cancel <- await(cancellations$cancel_partial_order("6711f73c1ef16c000717bb31", "BTC-USDT", "0.00001"))
  print("Partial Cancellation:"); print(partial_cancel)

  # Cancel all orders for a symbol
  symbol_cancel <- await(cancellations$cancel_all_orders_by_symbol("BTC-USDT"))
  print("All Orders for Symbol Canceled:"); print(symbol_cancel)

  # Cancel all orders across all symbols
  all_cancel <- await(cancellations$cancel_all_orders())
  print("All Orders Canceled:"); print(all_cancel)
while (!later::loop_empty()) later::run_now()
} # }