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The KucoinAccountAndFunding class provides a comprehensive, asynchronous interface for managing account and funding operations on KuCoin. It leverages the coro package for non-blocking HTTP requests, returning promises that resolve to data.table objects or logical values. This class encompasses a wide range of functionalities, including account summaries, API key details, spot account types, account lists, and ledger records for spot and margin accounts.


Not applicable (class definition; see individual methods for return values).


Purpose and Scope

This class is designed to manage and monitor KuCoin account details and funding activities, covering:

  • Account Overview: Summaries of VIP levels, sub-accounts, and limits.

  • API Key Insights: Metadata and permissions of the API key.

  • Spot Account Management: Type detection, account lists, and detailed financial metrics.

  • Margin Accounts: Cross and isolated margin account details.

  • Transaction History: Ledger records for tracking funding activities.

Workflow Overview

Not applicable (class definition overview).

API Endpoint

Not applicable (class-level documentation; see individual methods for specific endpoints).


Utilised by traders and developers to programmatically interact with KuCoin’s Account & Funding endpoints. The class is initialized with API credentials, sourced from get_api_keys() if not provided, and a base URL from get_base_url(). All methods require authentication. For detailed endpoint information, parameters, and response schemas, refer to the official KuCoin API Documentation.


  • initialize(keys, base_url): Initialises the object with API credentials and base URL.

  • get_account_summary_info(): Retrieves a summary of account status and limits.

  • get_apikey_info(): Fetches detailed API key metadata.

  • get_spot_account_type(): Determines if the spot account is high-frequency.

  • get_spot_account_list(query): Lists all spot accounts with optional filters.

  • get_spot_account_detail(accountId): Retrieves details for a specific spot account.

  • get_cross_margin_account(query): Fetches cross margin account information.

  • get_isolated_margin_account(query): Retrieves isolated margin account details.

  • get_spot_ledger(query, page_size, max_pages): Fetches paginated ledger records.

Public fields


List containing KuCoin API keys (api_key, api_secret, api_passphrase, key_version).


Character string representing the base URL for KuCoin API endpoints. Initialise a New KucoinAccountAndFunding Object


Initialises a KucoinAccountAndFunding object with API credentials and a base URL for managing account and funding operations asynchronously. All methods require authentication via API keys.

Workflow Overview

  1. Credential Assignment: Sets self$keys to the provided or default API keys from get_api_keys().

  2. URL Assignment: Sets self$base_url to the provided or default base URL from get_base_url().

API Endpoint

Not applicable (initialisation method).


Creates an instance for accessing KuCoin account and funding data, requiring authenticated API access.

Official Documentation

KuCoin API Authentication

Automated Trading Usage

  • Account Hub: Use as the central object for account monitoring in your bot, integrating with trading strategies.

  • Secure Setup: Provide explicit keys or use get_api_keys() from a secure source for production safety.

  • Lifecycle Management: Instantiate once and reuse across sessions, pairing with deposit/withdrawal classes for full financial oversight.


Method new()




List containing API configuration parameters from get_api_keys(), including:

  • api_key: Character string; your KuCoin API key.

  • api_secret: Character string; your KuCoin API secret.

  • api_passphrase: Character string; your KuCoin API passphrase.

  • key_version: Character string; API key version (e.g., "2"). Defaults to get_api_keys().


Character string representing the base URL for the API. Defaults to get_base_url().


A new instance of the KucoinAccountAndFunding class. Get Account Summary Information


Retrieves a comprehensive account summary asynchronously via a GET request to /api/v2/user-info. Calls get_account_summary_info_impl.

Workflow Overview
  1. Request: Constructs authenticated GET request.

  2. Response: Returns a data.table with VIP level, sub-account counts, and limits.

API Endpoint



Utilised to obtain a high-level overview of account status, including sub-account limits and VIP benefits.

Official Documentation

KuCoin Get Account Summary Info

Automated Trading Usage
  • Capacity Check: Monitor maxSubQuantity to manage sub-account creation, scaling bot operations as needed.

  • VIP Benefits: Adjust trading fees or limits in your bot based on level, optimizing cost strategies.

  • Periodic Audit: Fetch daily to log account health, alerting if sub-account limits are near capacity.

Method get_account_summary_info()




Promise resolving to a data.table with:

  • level (integer): VIP level.

  • subQuantity (integer): Total sub-accounts.

  • spotSubQuantity (integer): Spot sub-accounts.

  • maxSubQuantity (integer): Max allowed sub-accounts.

  • Full schema in implementation docs.

JSON Response Example

{"code": "200000", "data": {"level": 3, "subQuantity": 5, "maxSubQuantity": 20}}

Get API Key Information


Retrieves detailed API key metadata asynchronously via a GET request to /api/v1/user/api-key. Calls get_apikey_info_impl.

Workflow Overview
  1. Request: Constructs authenticated GET request.

  2. Response: Returns a data.table with key details and permissions.

API Endpoint



Utilised to inspect API key properties, aiding in security and permission audits.

Official Documentation

KuCoin Get API Key Info

Automated Trading Usage
  • Permission Sync: Verify permission includes required scopes (e.g., "Spot") before bot operations, halting if insufficient.

  • Security Audit: Check ipWhitelist and createdAt to enforce IP restrictions or key rotation policies.

  • Logging: Log uid and subName to map API keys to accounts, ensuring traceability in multi-user systems.

Method get_apikey_info()




Promise resolving to a data.table with:

  • uid (integer): Account UID.

  • apiKey (character): API key string.

  • permission (character): Permissions list.

  • createdAt (integer): Creation time (ms).

  • Full schema in implementation docs.

JSON Response Example

{"code": "200000", "data": {"uid": 12345, "apiKey": "abc123", "permission": "General, Spot", "createdAt": 1733049198863}}

Get Spot Account Type


Determines if the spot account is high-frequency asynchronously via a GET request to /api/v1/hf/accounts/opened. Calls get_spot_account_type_impl.

Workflow Overview
  1. Request: Constructs authenticated GET request.

  2. Response: Returns a logical indicating high-frequency status.

API Endpoint



Utilised to identify spot account type, affecting endpoint usage for trading operations.

Official Documentation

KuCoin Get Account Type Spot

Automated Trading Usage
  • Endpoint Selection: Use result to choose between high-frequency (HF) or low-frequency endpoints for orders and transfers.

  • Performance Tuning: Adjust polling frequency in your bot based on account type, optimizing for HF accounts.

  • Initial Check: Run at bot startup to configure workflows, logging the type for debugging.

Method get_spot_account_type()




Promise resolving to a logical:

  • TRUE: High-frequency spot account.

  • FALSE: Low-frequency spot account.

JSON Response Example

{"code": "200000", "data": true}

Get Spot Account List


Retrieves a list of all spot accounts asynchronously via a GET request to /api/v1/accounts. Calls get_spot_account_list_impl.

Workflow Overview
  1. Query: Applies optional filters from query.

  2. Request: Constructs authenticated GET request.

  3. Response: Returns a data.table of account details.

API Endpoint



Utilised to list spot accounts, filterable by currency or type, for financial monitoring.

Official Documentation

KuCoin Get Account List Spot

Automated Trading Usage
  • Fund Allocation: Filter by type = "trade" to monitor trading funds, reallocating via transfers if available is low.

  • Currency Tracking: Use currency filter to manage specific asset balances, integrating with market data.

  • Real-Time Sync: Poll periodically to update account states, caching IDs for detailed queries.

Method get_spot_account_list()


KucoinAccountAndFunding$get_spot_account_list(query = list())



Named list; optional filters:

  • currency (character): Currency code (e.g., "USDT").

  • type (character): Account type ("main", "trade").


Promise resolving to a data.table with:

  • id (character): Account ID.

  • currency (character): Currency code.

  • type (character): Account type.

  • balance (numeric): Total funds.

  • available (numeric): Available funds.

  • holds (numeric): Funds on hold.

JSON Response Example

{"code": "200000", "data": [{"id": "123", "currency": "USDT", "type": "trade", "balance": "1000", "available": "900", "holds": "100"}]}

Get Spot Account Detail


Retrieves detailed financial metrics for a specific spot account asynchronously via a GET request to /api/v1/accounts/{accountId}. Calls get_spot_account_detail_impl.

Workflow Overview
  1. Request: Constructs authenticated GET request with accountId.

  2. Response: Returns a data.table with account metrics.

API Endpoint



Utilised to inspect a specific spot account’s financial status using an ID from get_spot_account_list.

Official Documentation

KuCoin Get Account Detail Spot

Automated Trading Usage
  • Balance Monitoring: Check available vs. holds to manage trading liquidity, triggering transfers if needed.

  • Account Drill-Down: Use after get_spot_account_list to focus on high-value accounts, logging discrepancies.

  • Risk Assessment: Monitor holds to detect pending orders or freezes, adjusting risk parameters.

Method get_spot_account_detail()





Character string; unique account ID (e.g., from get_spot_account_list). Required.


Promise resolving to a data.table with:

  • currency (character): Currency code.

  • balance (numeric): Total funds.

  • available (numeric): Available funds.

  • holds (numeric): Funds on hold.

JSON Response Example

{"code": "200000", "data": {"currency": "USDT", "balance": "1000", "available": "900", "holds": "100"}}

Get Cross Margin Account


Retrieves cross margin account details asynchronously via a GET request to /api/v3/margin/accounts. Calls get_cross_margin_account_impl.

Workflow Overview
  1. Query: Applies optional filters from query.

  2. Request: Constructs authenticated GET request.

  3. Response: Returns a list with summary and accounts data.tables.

API Endpoint



Utilised to monitor cross margin account status, including total assets and per-currency details.

Official Documentation

KuCoin Get Account Cross Margin

Automated Trading Usage
  • Risk Management: Track debtRatio in summary to adjust leverage, halting trades if risk exceeds thresholds.

  • Fund Allocation: Monitor available in accounts to optimize margin usage across currencies.

  • Currency Filter: Use query$quoteCurrency to focus on primary trading assets (e.g., "USDT"), syncing with market conditions.

Method get_cross_margin_account()


KucoinAccountAndFunding$get_cross_margin_account(query = list())



Named list; optional filters:

  • quoteCurrency (character): Quote currency (e.g., "USDT", default "USDT").

  • queryType (character): Account type ("MARGIN", "MARGIN_V2", "ALL", default "MARGIN").


Promise resolving to a list with:

  • summary: data.table:

    • totalAssetOfQuoteCurrency (character): Total assets.

    • debtRatio (character): Debt ratio.

  • accounts: data.table:

    • currency (character): Currency code.

    • total (character): Total funds.

    • available (character): Available funds.

    • Full schema in implementation docs.

JSON Response Example

{"code": "200000", "data": {"totalAssetOfQuoteCurrency": "1000", "accounts": [{"currency": "USDT", "total": "500"}]}}

Get Isolated Margin Account


Retrieves isolated margin account details asynchronously via a GET request to /api/v3/isolated/accounts. Calls get_isolated_margin_account_impl.

Workflow Overview
  1. Query: Applies optional filters from query.

  2. Request: Constructs authenticated GET request.

  3. Response: Returns a list with summary and assets data.tables.

API Endpoint



Utilised to monitor isolated margin accounts per trading pair, detailing assets and liabilities.

Official Documentation

KuCoin Get Account Isolated Margin

Automated Trading Usage
  • Pair-Specific Risk: Monitor debtRatio per symbol in assets to manage isolated leverage, adjusting positions dynamically.

  • Liquidity Check: Use base_available and quote_available to ensure sufficient margin, triggering fund transfers if low.

  • Time-Based Sync: Leverage datetime in summary to validate data freshness, polling hourly for critical pairs.

Method get_isolated_margin_account()


KucoinAccountAndFunding$get_isolated_margin_account(query = list())



Named list; optional filters:

  • symbol (character): Trading pair (e.g., "BTC-USDT").

  • quoteCurrency (character): Quote currency (e.g., "USDT", default "USDT").

  • queryType (character): Type ("ISOLATED", "ISOLATED_V2", "ALL", default "ISOLATED").


Promise resolving to a list with:

  • summary: data.table:

    • totalAssetOfQuoteCurrency (character): Total assets.

    • datetime (POSIXct): Snapshot time.

  • assets: data.table:

    • symbol (character): Trading pair.

    • base_total (character): Base total funds.

    • quote_liability (character): Quote liability.

    • Full schema in implementation docs.

JSON Response Example

{"code": "200000", "data": {"totalAssetOfQuoteCurrency": "1000", "assets": [{"symbol": "BTC-USDT", "base_total": "0.1"}]}}

Get Spot Ledger


Retrieves paginated ledger records for spot and margin accounts asynchronously via a GET request to /api/v1/accounts/ledgers. Calls get_spot_ledger_impl.

Workflow Overview
  1. Query: Applies filters and pagination from query, page_size, and max_pages.

  2. Request: Constructs authenticated GET request with pagination.

  3. Response: Returns a data.table of transaction history.

API Endpoint



Utilised to track transaction histories for spot and margin accounts, filterable by various criteria.

Automated Trading Usage
  • Transaction Audit: Filter by bizType = "TRANSFER" to reconcile internal movements, logging amount and createdAtDatetime.

  • Fee Analysis: Sum fee over time ranges to optimize trading costs, adjusting strategies accordingly.

  • Event Monitoring: Use direction and context to detect deposits/withdrawals, triggering fund allocation or alerts.

Method get_spot_ledger()


  query = list(),
  page_size = 50,
  max_pages = Inf



Named list; optional filters:

  • currency (character): Currency code (up to 10).

  • direction (character): "in" or "out".

  • bizType (character): Business type (e.g., "DEPOSIT").

  • startAt (integer): Start time (ms).

  • endAt (integer): End time (ms).


Integer; results per page (10-500, default 50).


Numeric; max pages to fetch (default Inf).


Promise resolving to a data.table with:

  • id (character): Ledger ID.

  • currency (character): Currency code.

  • amount (character): Transaction amount.

  • createdAtDatetime (POSIXct): Transaction time.

  • Full schema in implementation docs.

JSON Response Example

{"code": "200000", "data": {"items": [{"id": "xyz", "currency": "BTC", "amount": "0.1", "createdAt": 1733049198863}]}}

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.


KucoinAccountAndFunding$clone(deep = FALSE)



Whether to make a deep clone.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Comprehensive example demonstrating key methods
main_async <- coro::async(function() {
  # Initialise the class
  account <- KucoinAccountAndFunding$new()

  # Get account summary
  summary <- await(account$get_account_summary_info())
  print("Account Summary:"); print(summary)

  # Check spot account type
  is_high_freq <- await(account$get_spot_account_type())
  cat("Is High-Frequency Spot Account:", is_high_freq, "\n")

  # List USDT trade accounts
  spot_accounts <- await(account$get_spot_account_list(list(currency = "USDT", type = "trade")))
  print("USDT Trade Accounts:"); print(spot_accounts)

  # Get ledger for last 24 hours
  ledger <- await(account$get_spot_ledger(
    list(currency = "BTC", startAt = as.integer(Sys.time() - 24*3600) * 1000),
    page_size = 20,
    max_pages = 1
  print("Recent BTC Ledger:"); print(ledger)
while (!later::loop_empty()) later::run_now()
} # }