Comparison Class
Comparison Class
An R6 class that represents a comparison between two groups of samples. This class contains the comparison name, the group order, and the comparison table. It includes methods to initialise, print, and validate the data.
Public fields
Character. The name of the comparison.
Character vector. The order of groups for the comparison, with length 2. The first element is treated as the "control" group, and the second as the "test" group.
A data.table that contains the group, sample, and condition information for the comparison.
Method new()
Create a new Comparison object.
Comparison$new(comparison_name, group_order, comparison_table)
A character string representing the name of the comparison. Must be of length 1 and not exceed 100 characters.
A character vector specifying the order of groups for the comparison. Must be of length 2.
A data.table that contains group and sample information for the comparison. It should have two columns, named "group" and "sample". The "group" column identifies the clinical group to which each sample belongs, and the "sample" column lists the names/IDs of the samples. The groups in this table should match the names specified in `group_order`. Print a summary of the Comparison object.
Method print()
comparison <- Comparison$new(
comparison_name = "Treatment vs Control",
group_order = c("Control", "Treatment"),
comparison_table = data.table::data.table(
group = c("Control", "Control", "Treatment", "Treatment"),
sample = c("Sample1", "Sample2", "Sample3", "Sample4")
#> Treatment vs Control: deriving condition "control", "test" from group_order argument: control - Control, test - Treatment
#> Comparison R6 object
#> -----------------
#> Comparison Name: Treatment vs Control
#> Group Order: Control, Treatment
#> Comparison Table:
#> group sample condition
#> 1 Control Sample1 control
#> 2 Control Sample2 control
#> 3 Treatment Sample3 test
#> 4 Treatment Sample4 test