The stenographer
package provides a flexible logging framework with hierarchical logging levels, database integration, and contextual logging capabilities. It includes support for SQLite storage, colour-coded output, and parallel processing support.
The latest version includes support for SQLite
database logging and context management.
You can install the released version of stenographer from CRAN:
You can install stenographer from with:
# install.packages("remotes")
Basic Usage
Here’s a quick example of how to use stenographer:
box::use(stenographer[Stenographer, LogLevel])
# Create a basic logger
steno <- Stenographer$new()
# Log some messages
steno$info("This is an informational message")
#> 2025-01-13T13:55:15.524Z INFO This is an informational message
steno$warn("This is a warning")
#> 2025-01-13T13:55:15.526Z WARNING This is a warning
steno$error("This is an error")
#> 2025-01-13T13:55:15.549Z ERROR This is an error
Customisable Logging
You can customise the stenographer by specifying the minimum log level, output file, and custom print function:
log_file <- tempfile("app_log")
custom_steno <- Stenographer$new(
level = LogLevel$WARNING,
file_path = log_file,
print_fn = message
custom_steno$info("This won't be logged")
custom_steno$warn("This will be logged to console and file")
#> 2025-01-13T13:55:15.650Z WARNING This will be logged to console and file
custom_steno$error("This is an error message", error = "Some error")
#> 2025-01-13T13:55:15.651Z ERROR This is an error message
#> Error:
#> "Some error"
Logs are written to the specified file as JSON objects:
cat(readLines(log_file), sep = "\n")
#> {"datetime":"2025-01-13T13:55:15.650Z","level":"WARNING","msg":"This will be logged to console and file","data":{},"error":{},"context":{}}
#> {"datetime":"2025-01-13T13:55:15.651Z","level":"ERROR","msg":"This is an error message","data":{},"error":"[\"Some error\"]","context":{}}
Database Logging
stenographer now supports logging to a SQLite database and context management so you can easily track application events. The context is useful for filtering and querying logs based on specific criteria from SQLite
box::use(RSQLite[ SQLite ])
box::use(DBI[ dbConnect, dbDisconnect, dbGetQuery ])
# Create a database connection
db <- dbConnect(SQLite(), "log.sqlite")
# Create a stenographer that logs to the database
db_steno <- Stenographer$new(
context = list(app_name = "MyApp", fun = "main"),
db_conn = db,
table_name = "app_logs"
# Log some messages
db_steno$info("This is logged to the database")
#> 2025-01-13T13:55:15.772Z INFO This is logged to the database
#> Context:
#> {
#> "app_name": "MyApp",
#> "fun": "main"
#> }
db_steno$warn("This is a warning", data = list(code = 101))
#> 2025-01-13T13:55:15.778Z WARNING This is a warning
#> Data:
#> {
#> "code": 101
#> }
#> Context:
#> {
#> "app_name": "MyApp",
#> "fun": "main"
#> }
db_steno$error("An error occurred", error = "Division by zero")
#> 2025-01-13T13:55:15.844Z ERROR An error occurred
#> Error:
#> "Division by zero"
#> Context:
#> {
#> "app_name": "MyApp",
#> "fun": "main"
#> }
# Example of querying the logs
query <- "SELECT * FROM app_logs WHERE level = 'ERROR'"
result <- dbGetQuery(db, query)
#> id datetime level context
#> 1 3 2025-01-12T20:03:40.117Z ERROR {"app_name":["MyApp"],"fun":["main"]}
#> 2 6 2025-01-13T13:54:50.711Z ERROR {"app_name":["MyApp"],"fun":["main"]}
#> 3 9 2025-01-13T13:55:15.844Z ERROR {"app_name":["MyApp"],"fun":["main"]}
#> msg data error
#> 1 An error occurred <NA> ["[\\"Division by zero\\"]"]
#> 2 An error occurred <NA> ["[\\"Division by zero\\"]"]
#> 3 An error occurred <NA> ["[\\"Division by zero\\"]"]
# Don't forget to close the database connection when you're done
Helper Functions
Stenographer includes helper functions like valueCoordinates
and tableToString
to provide detailed context in log messages:
box::use(stenographer[valueCoordinates, tableToString])
# Create a sample dataset with some issues
df <- data.frame(
a = c(1, NA, 3, 4, 5),
b = c(2, 4, NA, 8, 10),
c = c(3, 6, 9, NA, 15)
# Find coordinates of NA values
na_coords <- valueCoordinates(df)
if (nrow(na_coords) > 0) {
"NA values found in the dataset",
data = list(
na_locations = na_coords,
dataset_preview = tableToString(df)
#> 2025-01-13T13:55:15.858Z WARNING NA values found in the dataset
#> Data:
#> {
#> "na_locations": [
#> {
#> "column": 1,
#> "row": 2
#> },
#> {
#> "column": 2,
#> "row": 3
#> },
#> {
#> "column": 3,
#> "row": 4
#> }
#> ],
#> "dataset_preview": " a b c\n1 1 2 3\n2 NA 4 6\n3 3 NA 9\n4 4 8 NA\n5 5 10 15"
#> }
Error Logging with Context
stenographer makes it easy to log errors with context:
process_data <- function(df) {
result <- df$a / df$b
if (any(is.infinite(result))) {
inf_coords <- valueCoordinates(data.frame(result), Inf)
"Division by zero occurred",
data = list(
infinite_values = inf_coords,
dataset_preview = tableToString(df)
stop("Division by zero error")
}, error = function(e) {
paste("An error occurred while processing data:", e$message),
data = list(dataset_preview = tableToString(df)),
error = e
# Test the function with problematic data
df <- data.frame(a = c(1, 2, 3), b = c(0, 2, 0))
#> 2025-01-13T13:55:15.883Z ERROR Division by zero occurred
#> Data:
#> {
#> "infinite_values": [
#> {
#> "column": 1,
#> "row": 1
#> },
#> {
#> "column": 1,
#> "row": 3
#> }
#> ],
#> "dataset_preview": " a b\n1 1 0\n2 2 2\n3 3 0"
#> }
#> 2025-01-13T13:55:15.884Z ERROR An error occurred while processing data: Division by zero error
#> Data:
#> {
#> "dataset_preview": " a b\n1 1 0\n2 2 2\n3 3 0"
#> }
#> Error:
#> {
#> "name": "simpleError",
#> "message": "Division by zero error",
#> "call": "doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)"
#> }
#> Error in doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler): Division by zero error
Parallel Processing Support
stenographer provides support for logging in parallel environments:
steno <- Stenographer$new(print_fn = messageParallel)
future::plan(future$multisession, workers = 2)
result <- future_lapply(1:5, function(i) {
messageParallel(sprintf("Processing item %d", i))
if (i == 3) {
steno$warn(sprintf("Warning for item %d", i))
return(i * 2)
Contributions to stenographer are welcome! Please refer to the file for guidelines.
If you use this package in your research or work, please cite it as:
Mezquita, D. (2025). stenographer: Flexible and Customisable Logging System. R package version 1.0.0.