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Retrieves balance details for a specific sub-account from KuCoin asynchronously, aggregating account types into a single data.table. This internal function is designed for use within an R6 class and is not intended for direct end-user consumption.


  keys = get_api_keys(),
  base_url = get_base_url(),
  includeBaseAmount = FALSE,
  .__coro_env_parent__ = <environment>



List containing API configuration parameters from get_api_keys(), including:

  • api_key: Character string; your KuCoin API key.

  • api_secret: Character string; your KuCoin API secret.

  • api_passphrase: Character string; your KuCoin API passphrase.

  • key_version: Character string; API key version (e.g., "2"). Defaults to get_api_keys().


Character string representing the base URL for the API. Defaults to get_base_url().


Character string representing the sub-account user ID for which balance details are retrieved.


Logical flag indicating whether to include currencies with a zero balance in the response. Defaults to FALSE.


Promise resolving to a data.table containing detailed balance information for the specified sub-account, with columns including:

  • subUserId (character): Sub-account user ID.

  • subName (character): Sub-account name.

  • currency (character): Currency code.

  • balance (numeric): Total balance.

  • available (numeric): Amount available for trading or withdrawal.

  • holds (numeric): Amount locked or held.

  • baseCurrency (character): Base currency code.

  • baseCurrencyPrice (numeric): Price of the base currency.

  • baseAmount (numeric): Amount in the base currency.

  • tag (character): Tag associated with the account.

  • accountType (character): Source account type (e.g., "mainAccounts", "tradeAccounts", "marginAccounts", "tradeHFAccounts").


Workflow Overview

  1. URL and Query String Construction: Constructs the endpoint URL by appending subUserId to /api/v1/sub-accounts/ and adding the includeBaseAmount query parameter (defaulting to FALSE).

  2. Header Generation: Generates authentication headers asynchronously via build_headers().

  3. HTTP Request: Sends a GET request to the constructed URL with a 3-second timeout using httr::GET().

  4. Response Processing: Parses the JSON response with process_kucoin_response(), converting each non-empty account type array (mainAccounts, tradeAccounts, marginAccounts, tradeHFAccounts) into a data.table with an added accountType column.

  5. Aggregation and Metadata Addition: Aggregates all non-empty data.tables into a single data.table using data.table::rbindlist(), appending subUserId and subName to each row.

API Endpoint



Utilised internally to provide detailed balance information across various account categories for a specified sub-account.

Official Documentation

KuCoin Get Sub-Account Detail Balance

Raw Response Schema:

  • code (string): Status code, where "200000" indicates success.

  • data (object): Contains subUserId, subName, and arrays for mainAccounts, tradeAccounts, marginAccounts, and tradeHFAccounts.

KuCoin's API docs list this as the return data schema:

    "code": "200000",
    "data": {
        "subUserId": "63743f07e0c5230001761d08",
        "subName": "testapi6",
        "mainAccounts": [
                "currency": "USDT",
                "balance": "0.01",
                "available": "0.01",
                "holds": "0",
                "baseCurrency": "BTC",
                "baseCurrencyPrice": "62384.3",
                "baseAmount": "0.00000016",
                "tag": "DEFAULT"
        "tradeAccounts": [
                "currency": "USDT",
                "balance": "0.01",
                "available": "0.01",
                "holds": "0",
                "baseCurrency": "BTC",
                "baseCurrencyPrice": "62384.3",
                "baseAmount": "0.00000016",
                "tag": "DEFAULT"
        "marginAccounts": [
                "currency": "USDT",
                "balance": "0.01",
                "available": "0.01",
                "holds": "0",
                "baseCurrency": "BTC",
                "baseCurrencyPrice": "62384.3",
                "baseAmount": "0.00000016",
                "tag": "DEFAULT"
        "tradeHFAccounts": []


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
keys <- get_api_keys()
base_url <- ""
subUserId <- "63743f07e0c5230001761d08"
main_async <- coro::async(function() {
  dt <- await(get_subaccount_detail_balance_impl(
    keys = keys,
    base_url = base_url,
    subUserId = subUserId,
    includeBaseAmount = TRUE
while (!later::loop_empty()) later::run_now()
} # }