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Retrieves detailed information for a single stop order using its order ID from the KuCoin Spot trading system asynchronously. This function constructs a GET request to the KuCoin API and returns a promise that resolves to a data.table with comprehensive stop order details, including additional UTC datetime columns derived from timestamps.


  keys = get_api_keys(),
  base_url = get_base_url(),
  .__coro_env_parent__ = <environment>



List; API configuration parameters from get_api_keys(). Defaults to get_api_keys().


Character string; base URL for the KuCoin API. Defaults to get_base_url().


Character string; the unique order ID to retrieve (e.g., "vs8hoo8q2ceshiue003b67c0"). Required.


Promise resolving to a data.table with one row containing stop order details, with the following columns:

  • id (character): Unique order ID assigned by KuCoin.

  • symbol (character): Trading pair (e.g., "KCS-USDT").

  • userId (character): User ID associated with the order.

  • status (character): Order status (e.g., "NEW", "TRIGGERED").

  • type (character): Order type (e.g., "limit", "market").

  • side (character): Order side ("buy" or "sell").

  • price (character): Order price.

  • size (character): Order size.

  • funds (character or NA): Order funds (NULL for untriggered orders).

  • stp (character or NA): Self Trade Prevention strategy (e.g., "DC", "CO", "CN", "CB").

  • timeInForce (character): Time in force (e.g., "GTC", "GTT", "IOC", "FOK").

  • cancelAfter (integer): Seconds until cancellation for GTT (-1 if not applicable).

  • postOnly (logical): Whether the order is post-only.

  • hidden (logical): Whether the order is hidden.

  • iceberg (logical): Whether the order is an iceberg order.

  • visibleSize (character or NA): Visible size for iceberg orders.

  • channel (character): Order source (e.g., "API").

  • clientOid (character): Client-assigned order ID.

  • remark (character or NA): Order remarks.

  • tags (character or NA): Order tags.

  • orderTime (numeric): Order creation time in nanoseconds.

  • domainId (character): Domain ID (e.g., "kucoin").

  • tradeSource (character): Trade source (e.g., "USER").

  • tradeType (character): Trade type (e.g., "TRADE").

  • feeCurrency (character): Currency used for fees.

  • takerFeeRate (character): Taker fee rate.

  • makerFeeRate (character): Maker fee rate.

  • createdAt (integer): Creation timestamp in milliseconds.

  • stop (character): Stop order type (e.g., "loss", "entry").

  • stopTriggerTime (integer or NA): Trigger time in milliseconds (NULL if untriggered).

  • stopPrice (character): Stop price.

  • createdAtDatetime (POSIXct): Creation time in UTC (derived from createdAt).

  • orderTimeDatetime (POSIXct): Order placement time in UTC (derived from orderTime).



This endpoint fetches data for a specific stop order identified by its orderId, which is the unique identifier assigned by the KuCoin system when the order is created. The stop order can be in various states, such as "NEW" (untriggered) or "TRIGGERED" (activated).


  1. Parameter Validation: Ensures orderId is a non-empty string.

  2. Request Construction: Builds the endpoint URL with orderId as a path parameter.

  3. Authentication: Generates private API headers using build_headers() with the GET method and endpoint.

  4. API Request: Sends a GET request to the KuCoin API with a 3-second timeout.

  5. Response Processing: Parses the response, converts the data object to a data.table, and adds createdAtDatetime and orderTimeDatetime columns.

API Details

  • Endpoint: GET{orderId}

  • Domain: Spot

  • API Channel: Private

  • API Permission: General

  • Rate Limit Pool: Spot

  • Rate Limit Weight: 3

  • SDK Service: Spot

  • SDK Sub-Service: Order

  • SDK Method Name: getStopOrderByOrderId

  • Official Documentation: KuCoin Get Stop Order By OrderId


Path Parameters

  • orderId: String (required) - The unique order ID generated by the trading system (e.g., "vs8hoo8q2ceshiue003b67c0").

Example Request

curl --location --request GET ''


HTTP Code: 200

  • Content Type: application/json

Data Schema

  • code: String (required) - Response code ("200000" indicates success).

  • data: Object (required) - Stop order details with fields such as:

    • id: String - Order ID.

    • symbol: String - Trading pair.

    • userId: String - User ID.

    • status: String - Order status.

    • type: String - Order type.

    • side: String - Order side.

    • price: String - Order price.

    • size: String - Order size.

    • funds: String - Order funds.

    • stp: String - Self Trade Prevention.

    • timeInForce: String - Time in force.

    • cancelAfter: Integer - Cancel after n seconds.

    • postOnly: Boolean - Post-only flag.

    • hidden: Boolean - Hidden order flag.

    • iceberg: Boolean - Iceberg order flag.

    • visibleSize: String - Visible size for iceberg orders.

    • channel: String - Order channel.

    • clientOid: String - Client order ID.

    • remark: String - Order remarks.

    • tags: String - Order tags.

    • orderTime: Integer - Order time in nanoseconds.

    • domainId: String - Domain ID.

    • tradeSource: String - Trade source.

    • tradeType: String - Trade type.

    • feeCurrency: String - Fee currency.

    • takerFeeRate: String - Taker fee rate.

    • makerFeeRate: String - Maker fee rate.

    • createdAt: Integer - Creation timestamp in milliseconds.

    • stop: String - Stop order type.

    • stopTriggerTime: Integer - Stop trigger time.

    • stopPrice: String - Stop price.

JSON Response Example

  "code": "200000",
  "data": {
    "id": "vs8hoo8q2ceshiue003b67c0",
    "symbol": "KCS-USDT",
    "userId": "60fe4956c43cbc0006562c2c",
    "status": "NEW",
    "type": "limit",
    "side": "buy",
    "price": "0.01000000000000000000",
    "size": "0.01000000000000000000",
    "funds": null,
    "stp": null,
    "timeInForce": "GTC",
    "cancelAfter": -1,
    "postOnly": false,
    "hidden": false,
    "iceberg": false,
    "visibleSize": null,
    "channel": "API",
    "clientOid": "40e0eb9efe6311eb8e58acde48001122",
    "remark": null,
    "tags": null,
    "orderTime": 1629098781127530345,
    "domainId": "kucoin",
    "tradeSource": "USER",
    "tradeType": "TRADE",
    "feeCurrency": "USDT",
    "takerFeeRate": "0.00200000000000000000",
    "makerFeeRate": "0.00200000000000000000",
    "createdAt": 1629098781128,
    "stop": "loss",
    "stopTriggerTime": null,
    "stopPrice": "10.00000000000000000000"


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

main_async <- coro::async(function() {
  # Retrieve stop order details by orderId
  stop_order_details <- await(get_stop_order_by_order_id_impl(
    orderId = "vs8hoo8q2ceshiue003b67c0"

# Run the async function
while (!later::loop_empty()) later::run_now()
} # }