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Retrieves the current server time as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds from the KuCoin Futures API asynchronously. This helper function is essential for authenticated requests, ensuring timestamps align with server time within a 5-second window.


get_server_time(base_url = get_base_url())



Character string specifying the base URL for the KuCoin Futures API. Defaults to get_base_url().


Promise resolving to a numeric Unix timestamp in milliseconds or rejecting with an error if the request fails.


Workflow Overview

  1. URL Construction: Combines the base URL (default from get_base_url()) with the endpoint /api/v1/timestamp.

  2. API Request: Sends an asynchronous GET request with a 3-second timeout using httr::GET().

  3. Status Check: Validates the HTTP status code is 200, rejecting the promise if not.

  4. Response Parsing: Extracts the response text and parses it as JSON with jsonlite::fromJSON().

  5. Structure Validation: Ensures "code" and "data" fields exist, rejecting if missing.

  6. Success Check: Confirms the API code is "200000", rejecting if not.

  7. Result Resolution: Resolves the promise with the timestamp from the "data" field.

API Endpoint



Utilised to synchronise request timestamps for signature generation and to prevent replay attacks in authenticated API calls.

Official Documentation

KuCoin Futures Get Server Time


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
  then(function(timestamp) {
    cat("KuCoin Server Time:", timestamp, "\n")
  catch(function(e) {
    message("Error retrieving server time:", conditionMessage(e))
while (!later::loop_empty()) later::run_now(timeoutSecs = Inf, all = TRUE)
} # }