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Retrieves detailed information for a single spot order using its order ID from the KuCoin Spot trading system asynchronously. This function returns a data.table with comprehensive order details, including additional UTC datetime columns derived from timestamps.


  keys = get_api_keys(),
  base_url = get_base_url(),
  .__coro_env_parent__ = <environment>



List; API configuration parameters from get_api_keys(). Defaults to get_api_keys().


Character string; base URL for the KuCoin API. Defaults to get_base_url().


Character string; the unique order ID to retrieve (e.g., "6717422bd51c29000775ea03"). Required.


Character string; the trading pair symbol (e.g., "BTC-USDT"). Required.


Promise resolving to a data.table with one row containing order details, including:

  • id (character): Unique order ID.

  • clientOid (character): Client-assigned order ID.

  • symbol (character): Trading pair.

  • opType (character): Operation type.

  • type (character): Order type ("limit" or "market").

  • side (character): Order side ("buy" or "sell").

  • price (character): Order price.

  • size (character): Order size.

  • funds (character): Order funds.

  • dealSize (character): Filled quantity.

  • dealFunds (character): Filled funds.

  • cancelledSize (character): Canceled quantity.

  • cancelledFunds (character): Canceled funds.

  • remainSize (character): Remaining quantity.

  • remainFunds (character): Remaining funds.

  • fee (character): Handling fees.

  • feeCurrency (character): Fee currency.

  • stp (character or NA): Self Trade Prevention strategy.

  • timeInForce (character): Time in force.

  • postOnly (logical): Post-only flag.

  • hidden (logical): Hidden order flag.

  • iceberg (logical): Iceberg order flag.

  • visibleSize (character): Visible size for iceberg orders.

  • cancelAfter (integer): Seconds until cancellation for GTT.

  • channel (character): Order channel.

  • remark (character or NA): Order remarks.

  • tags (character or NA): Order tags.

  • cancelExist (logical): Indicates a cancellation record.

  • tradeType (character): Trade type.

  • inOrderBook (logical): Whether in the order book.

  • active (logical): Order status (true = active, false = done).

  • tax (character): Tax information.

  • createdAt (integer): Creation timestamp (milliseconds).

  • lastUpdatedAt (integer): Last update timestamp (milliseconds).

  • createdAtDatetime (POSIXct): Creation time in UTC.

  • lastUpdatedAtDatetime (POSIXct): Last update time in UTC.



This endpoint fetches data for a specific spot order identified by its orderId. The order can be in an active or done state:

  • Active Orders: Orders currently in the order book (check inOrderBook to confirm).

  • Done Orders: Orders that are canceled or fully filled (data available only within 3 * 24 hours from the current time).

If the order is not active and exceeds the 3 * 24-hour window, the API defaults to querying within that timeframe, potentially returning no data if outside the range.


  1. Parameter Validation: Ensures orderId and symbol are non-empty strings, with symbol validated as a trading pair.

  2. Request Construction: Builds the endpoint URL with orderId in the path and symbol as a query parameter.

  3. Authentication: Generates private API headers using build_headers() with the GET method and endpoint.

  4. API Request: Sends a GET request to the KuCoin API with a 3-second timeout.

  5. Response Processing: Parses the response, converts the data object to a data.table, and adds createdAtDatetime and lastUpdatedAtDatetime columns.

API Details

  • Endpoint: GET{orderId}?symbol={symbol}

  • Domain: Spot

  • API Channel: Private

  • API Permission: General

  • Rate Limit Pool: Spot

  • Rate Limit Weight: 2

  • SDK Service: Spot

  • SDK Sub-Service: Order

  • SDK Method Name: getOrderByOrderId

  • Official Documentation: KuCoin Get Order By OrderId


Path Parameters

  • orderId: String (required) - The unique order ID generated by the trading system (e.g., "6717422bd51c29000775ea03").

Query Parameters

  • symbol: String (required) - The trading pair symbol (e.g., "BTC-USDT").

Example Request

curl --location --request GET ''


HTTP Code: 200

  • Content Type: application/json

Data Schema

  • code: String (required) - Response code ("200000" indicates success).

  • data: Object (required) - Order details with the following fields:

    • id: String (required) - Unique order ID.

    • clientOid: String (required) - Client-assigned order ID.

    • symbol: String (required) - Trading pair (e.g., "BTC-USDT").

    • opType: String (required) - Operation type.

    • type: Enum (required) - Order type: "limit" or "market".

    • side: Enum (required) - Order side: "buy" or "sell".

    • price: String (required) - Order price.

    • size: String (required) - Order size.

    • funds: String (required) - Order funds.

    • dealSize: String (required) - Filled quantity.

    • dealFunds: String (required) - Filled funds.

    • cancelledSize: String (required) - Canceled quantity.

    • cancelledFunds: String (required) - Canceled funds.

    • remainSize: String (required) - Remaining quantity.

    • remainFunds: String (required) - Remaining funds.

    • fee: String (required) - Handling fees.

    • feeCurrency: String (required) - Fee currency.

    • stp: Enum (optional) - Self Trade Prevention: "DC", "CO", "CN", "CB".

    • timeInForce: Enum (required) - Time in force: "GTC", "GTT", "IOC", "FOK".

    • postOnly: Boolean (required) - Post-only flag.

    • hidden: Boolean (required) - Hidden order flag.

    • iceberg: Boolean (required) - Iceberg order flag.

    • visibleSize: String (required) - Visible size for iceberg orders.

    • cancelAfter: Integer (required) - Seconds until cancellation for GTT.

    • channel: String (required) - Order channel.

    • remark: String (optional) - Order remarks.

    • tags: String (optional) - Order tags.

    • cancelExist: Boolean (required) - Indicates a cancellation record.

    • tradeType: String (required) - Trade type (redundant parameter).

    • inOrderBook: Boolean (required) - Whether the order is in the order book.

    • active: Boolean (required) - Order status (true = active, false = done).

    • tax: String (required) - Tax information (for certain regions).

    • createdAt: Integer (required) - Creation timestamp in milliseconds.

    • lastUpdatedAt: Integer (required) - Last update timestamp in milliseconds.

JSON Response Example

  "code": "200000",
  "data": {
    "id": "6717422bd51c29000775ea03",
    "clientOid": "5c52e11203aa677f33e493fb",
    "symbol": "BTC-USDT",
    "opType": "DEAL",
    "type": "limit",
    "side": "buy",
    "price": "70000",
    "size": "0.00001",
    "funds": "0.7",
    "dealSize": "0.00001",
    "dealFunds": "0.677176",
    "remainSize": "0",
    "remainFunds": "0.022824",
    "cancelledSize": "0",
    "cancelledFunds": "0",
    "fee": "0.000677176",
    "feeCurrency": "USDT",
    "stp": null,
    "timeInForce": "GTC",
    "postOnly": false,
    "hidden": false,
    "iceberg": false,
    "visibleSize": "0",
    "cancelAfter": 0,
    "channel": "API",
    "remark": "order remarks",
    "tags": null,
    "cancelExist": false,
    "tradeType": "TRADE",
    "inOrderBook": false,
    "active": false,
    "tax": "0",
    "createdAt": 1729577515444,
    "lastUpdatedAt": 1729577515481


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

main_async <- coro::async(function() {
  # Retrieve order details
  order_details <- await(get_order_by_order_id_impl(
    orderId = "6717422bd51c29000775ea03",
    symbol = "BTC-USDT"

# Run the async function
while (!later::loop_empty()) later::run_now()
} # }

# Expected Output (simplified):
#    id                    clientOid symbol opType type  side price size  ... createdAtDatetime   lastUpdatedAtDatetime
# 1: 6717422bd51c29000775ea03 5c52e11203aa677f33e493fb BTC-USDT DEAL limit buy  70000 0.00001 ... 2023-10-22 03:31:55 2023-10-22 03:31:55