Contributing to kucoin
Thank you for your interest in contributing to kucoin!
Code of Conduct
Please read and adhere to our Code of Conduct.
How to Contribute
Report bugs or suggest enhancements by opening an issue.
- Use a clear, descriptive title.
- Provide detailed steps to reproduce or implement.
Submit pull requests for bug fixes or new features.
- Fill in the PR template.
- Include tests and documentation.
- Improve documentation by submitting PRs for clarifications or additions.
Development Guidelines
- Use 4 spaces for indentation.
- Use box for imports.
- Prefer base R functions and avoid unnecessary dependencies.
- We aim to minimise external dependencies, including tidyverse packages.
- Write clear, efficient, and maintainable code.
When writing async code we either use promises
or async/await
syntax. We never use the pipe operators, instead we use the then
method to chain promises.
# Simulate an asynchronous API call that returns a promise after a delay
get_data_async <- function(url) {
promises::promise(function(resolve, reject) {
# Simulate network delay of 1 second
later::later(function() {
resolve(paste("Data from", url))
}, delay = 10)
# Define an asynchronous main function
async_main <- coro::async(function() {
# Await the asynchronous API call
data <- await(get_data_async(""))
cat("Received:", data, "\n")
# Kick off the asynchronous main function
# Process the event loop until all tasks are completed
while (!later::loop_empty()) {
later::run_now(timeoutSecs = Inf, all = TRUE)